Monday, October 16, 2006

October 15 - Spring Into Shape II

Again I didn't overly prepare for this run too well. Some very sore legs from my first game of touch on Thursday night, lots of sprinting in the heat, and then a round of golf on an extremeley hilly golf course followed by 8-9 stubbies meant I wasn't going to set the world on fire.

It was a great day for a run as well, with a bit of cloud and a breeze, definitely not too hot. Again I went out way too fast and paid for it in the second half of the race, I just can't manage to pace myself well in race conditions. My splits for the race were:

1 km - 4:04:50
2km - 4:28:24
3km - 4:36:75
4km - 4:47:56
5km - 4:50:85
6km - 4:39:54
7km - 4:48:86
8km - 4:42:68

All up it was a 36:58:98, which is a PB, but one I should be able to easily beat if I can get this fandangled pacing right!

Was good to meet up with a large number of Ausrunners, I won't mention every individual name, but some great results achieved by all!